I can't sign in to the Windows BulletVPN app!


Can't sign in. Please check your connection and try again.

Some users are getting the above error while trying to sign in to the BulletVPN for Windows. This is due to an issue with the outdated version (1.4.0) of the app itself.

We have released a new version (1.4.1) that includes a fix for this issue. Please uninstall the version you have of the BulletVPN app, then restart your device to ensure that all related settings are removed. After that, please reinstall the app using this link: https://www.bulletvpn.com/download/BulletVPNSetup.exe

If you are still unable to sign in to the BulletVPN app, you can follow these steps to verify the app version that you are using:

On your Windows PC, go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and locate the BulletVPN app there. Notice the version number under the "Version" column. It should indicate 1.4.1. Otherwise, you need to uninstall then reinstall the BulletVPN app again from the above link.

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