How to Set Up BulletVPN OpenVPN Manually on Raspbian Pi Desktop Using Command Line

Find your username and password for a manual VPN setup

To set up BulletVPN manually on your router, you will first need to obtain your BulletVPN credentials (i.e., username and password) for the manual configuration.

  • The Username is the email address that you used to create your BulletVPN account.
  • The VPN password for manual setups is not the same as the password for apps and the account. You can find it in the client area in the top-left green box next to VPN Pass. Click Show to view it.


Note: Please have your Username and VPN password ready, as you will be asked to enter them later in the setup process.

Configure your Raspbian Pi

  1. Open Terminal and install OpenVPN client by using these commands :
    sudo apt-get install openvpn
  2. Download OpenVPN configuration files from BulletVPN:
    wget /opt
  3. Unzip the downloaded file:
    unzip /opt/ -d /opt/bulletvpn-configs
  4. Open the pass.text file to edit your BulletVPN credentials. Replace the placeholders with your VPN Username and VPN password you found above in the same order.
    nano /opt/bulletvpn-configs/pass.txt
  5. Press to save
    ctrl + s
    Press to exit
    ctrl + x
  6. Open the BulletVPN configs file
    cd /opt/bulletvpn-configs
  7. Connect to the VPN server
    sudo openvpn --config /opt/bulletvpn-configs/bulletVPN-NL-Amsterdam_1-ams01-tcp.ovpn --daemon
    In this example, we are connecting to the "Amsterdam 1" server. You can connect to any other VPN server.
    You can view all the listed servers by using the "ls" command
    ls /opt/bulletvpn-configs
  8. Now confirm you are connected (you should see your IP changed):
  9. To disconnect the VPN connection, use the following:
    sudo killall openvpn
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