Please download TunnelBlick and OpenVPN TunnelBlick files in order to configure TunnelBlick.
- Download / Install : Tunnelblick.
- Download: BulletVPN OpenVPN Configuration files.
1. Double click on the "Tunnelblick setup file" and then double click on "Tunnelblick."
2. Click on "Open."
3. Provide your Mac password and click “OK. “
4. Click on "Launch."
5. Select "I have configuration files."
6. Click on "OK."
7. Follow the below steps:
- Double click on the downloaded OpenVPN configuration file.
- Click on edit in the menu bar and click on Select All.
Note: Sometimes Tunnelblick does not add configuration file if already opened. Quit Tunnelblick, then follow the Step7 again.
8. Once the whole server list is highlighted, right-click on it and then select Open.
9. Select "Only Me" and check "Apply to all."
10. Provide your Mac password and click “OK. “
11. Click on the "Tunnelblick icon" from the Menu bar and select the server.
12. Insert the following info:
- Insert your email address and the VPN password provided by "BulletVPN." You can find your VPN password Here
- Check "Save in Keychain" to save account details.
- Click “OK. “
13. You are connected now.
14. To disconnect VPN, click on the Tunnelblick icon from the Menu bar and select "Disconnect."