How to Setup BulletVPN OpenVPN Manually on Mac OS

Please download TunnelBlick and OpenVPN TunnelBlick files in order to configure TunnelBlick. 

1. Double click on the "Tunnelblick setup file" and then double click on "Tunnelblick." 

2. Click on "Open."

3. Provide your Mac password and click “OK. “

4. Click on "Launch."


5. Select "I have configuration files."

6. Click on "OK."

7. Follow the below steps:

  • Double click on the downloaded OpenVPN configuration file. 
  • Click on edit in the menu bar and click on Select All. 


Note: Sometimes Tunnelblick does not add configuration file if already opened. Quit Tunnelblick, then follow the Step7 again.


8. Once the whole server list is highlighted, right-click on it and then select Open.


9. Select "Only Me" and check "Apply to all."



10. Provide your Mac password and click “OK. “


11. Click on the "Tunnelblick icon" from the Menu bar and select the server.

12. Insert the following info:

  • Insert your email address and the VPN password provided by "BulletVPN." You can find your VPN password Here


  • Check "Save in Keychain" to save account details.
  • Click “OK. “

13. You are connected now. 


14. To disconnect VPN, click on the Tunnelblick icon from the Menu bar and select "Disconnect."



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