1.Click on your connected Lan / WiFi icon and click on Network settings.
2. Click on VPN, then click on Add a VPN connection.
3. Insert the following info:
- Choose Windows (built-in) from the VPN Provider drop-down menu.
- Enter BulletVPN in the Connection name field.
- Insert desired server address in Server name or Server address box. You can choose one of our servers from the list here.
- Select Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) from the VPN type drop-down menu.
- Select User name and password from the Type of sign-in info drop-down menu.
4. Insert your email address and the password provided by BulletVPN.
- Select Remember my sign-in info and click on Save.
5. Click on VPN Connection BulletVPN.
6. Click on Connect.
7. VPN will be established in a few seconds. If you get any error connecting, you can contact our support department here.
8. You are now connected to VPN Successfully.
9. Use the Disconnect button to disconnect VPN.