1. Go to https://www.bulletvpn.com/
2. From the menu on the top, select Apps, then click on the "Download" button under "BulletVPN for MacOS."
3. When the download finishes, double-click on "BulletVPN.dmg" to mount it. Then, drag the BulletVPN app to your Applications folder.
4. Open your Applications Folder.
5. Double-click on the BulletVPN icon to launch the application.
6. When prompted, click on "Open."
7. Enter your Mac's username and password to install the BulletVPN helper tool.
8. Enter your account's email and password, then click on "Sign In." You can check the "Save Password" box to log in automatically.
9. When logged in, you can see the connect button and a default server selected.
10. To select another server, click on the "Locations" button in the side menu. Click on a server to select it.
11. When taken back to the home screen, click on "Connect."
12. You are now connected to the VPN server you selected.